Sunday, January 27, 2013

An old native American quote ...

A grandfather said to his grandson: ‘My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside each one of us. One is evil: anger, fear, jealousy, greed, resentment, anxiety, lies and ego. The other is good: joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and trust.’

The boy asked: ‘Grandfather, which wolf wins?’ Quietly, the old man replied: ‘The one you feed.’

Why am I always second best?

My ex called and we talked and the main thing I garnered from the conversation was that he wanted to get back together. We’d been talking on and off and texting and it’s been good. When the pressure’s off, we actually have a good ‘relationship.’ After we broke up, he started seeing someone but he hurt her and she decided she didn’t want anything to do with him. That’s why he wanted to get back together. I was so happy to hear from him and that he wanted to be with me but then I realised that the only reason he came running back was because she didn’t want him. He told me once before that she made him happier than me. I told him how I loved him and got a very lacklustre reply in return. Why am I second best? Even though a part of me wants to be with him, I have enough self-respect to not be second best to anyone and be used this way.

My first ‘love’ didn’t want me either at first. I remember we had a really good relationship but he never looked and treated me the same as the ‘pretty’ girls. He told me he didn’t think of me in that way. He then got turned down by other girls and then told me 3 years later that he wanted to be with me. If he had found anyone ‘better’ he wouldn’t have even thought of me. So here is another example of why I am second best.

What is wrong with me? Why am I never anyone’s first choice? Why am I always the second option? I want to be with someone who feels that they are with me because they want to be with me. Not because nothing better came along or as a last resort. Is that unreasonable? Should I just be happy that someone wants to be with me? And not ask for too much. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A thought

I watched a really powerful film called ‘We need to talk about Kevin’ yesterday. It’s one of those films that hits you and makes you question things and you’ll find it consumes your mind trying to unravel and process some of the key issues and leads you to one of the big unanswered questions in life – why do people do the things that they do? Perhaps more significantly, why do some people do bad things? Sometimes people have no justification for their actions and despite ample time do not reflect or change their behaviour and continue to act in a certain deviant way.

After reading a review about the film, I also found myself thinking why does mankind or human nature more specifically try and find meaning in everything? Why don’t we just accept things happen as they are and leave it be? Does religion play a part in this?

“If it happened, why does it have to mean anything”

Life of Pi

Also this comes to mind:

“It's like this: you wake and watch TV, get in your car and listen to the radio you go to your little jobs or little school, but you don't hear about that on the 6 o'clock news, why? 'Cause nothing is really happening and you go home and watch some more TV and maybe it's a fun night and you go out and watch a movie. I mean it's got so bad that half the people on TV, inside the TV, they're watching TV. What are these people watching…”

We need to talk about Kevin

I found this quite a poignant observance. I don’t quite know what I make of it yet. What do you make of it?

Back to uni and second semester

It’s been a good while since I last posted something. It’s the start of a new year and this is my first post of 2013! I said good bye to a very tumultuous year and welcomed in a new year. So what has 2013 brought for me so far…

I have come back to uni after spending a really great 3 weeks at home with my family. I’d hoped to get a fair bit of revision done but unfortunately that didn’t happen. Instead we had family over so I spent time with them and enjoyed watching lots of Christmas TV and films and eating lots of chocolate and biscuit selection boxes. I think I visibly put on some weight but oh well! Christmas only happens once a year and while I’m at uni, I don’t get the chance to eat as much as I do while at home. I didn’t exercise at all either. But tbh I’ve never been an exercise freak. I have never been to the gym and only go swimming on holidays. The only time I run is for the bus and after that my muscles kill and I try to avoid such pushing myself. A friend asked me to go for a run with her in the mornings but why would I exert myself so much when I can sit in with the heating on and a cup of tea and watch Miranda on I player. I know I should be encouraging exercise as a medical student but I’d rather eat well and keep active by walking to uni etc rather than doing active exercise.

I’m currently without hot water atm! You never realise how much you rely on such things until they stop working. We’ve been without hot water for 2 days now and it’s difficult to do the washing up in ice cold water and we can forget showering! I hadn’t had a shower since Saturday and realised I had to do something about it cos I’m going to be in hospital tomorrow meeting patients. So I boiled lots of hot water in kettles and saucepans and filled my bath tub. I did my best but the water was going cold very quickly. It was such an uncomfortable experience – having a bath in cold/lukewarm water. I was shivering and couldn’t put my clothes on fast enough. But at least I’m fairly clean and won’t feel so conspicuous and uncomfortable tomorrow. My letting agent sent round a plumber today who had a look and ordered the suitable part and will be able to fix it tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll have got water tomorrow, given that the part he ordered is the right one. The plumber didn’t seem so sure what was wrong with our boiler. I don’t know if I can bare another cold bath again!

Me and my flat mate are back to arguing about the heating. As we’re living in student accommodation, we are given an allowance which is included in the rent and if it goes over, we will be charged. My house mate is rather adamant that the heating be on a mere 2 hours a day even at this time of year. If I had my way it’d be on about 7 hours a day. You can see why we argue about it. We agreed on 5 hours a day. But my housemate likes to turn it off without letting me know at random times despite our agreement. I know I’m not one to talk as sometimes I put it on for a couple of extra hours when it’s really really cold. The house temperature sometimes gets to 15/16 degrees Celsius and no matter how many layers you put on, you still feel cold. We argued so much about it last semester and agreed not to argue about it again this year. But surprise surprise, we’re back to arguing about. I guess when two people are stubborn about what they want, it’s inevitable.

I’ve found 2 people I’m going to live with next year -my flat mate last year who is also a good friend to me and one of her friends. We’re hoping to move into private student halls. It’s a lot more expensive but we won’t have to worry about safety, heating and hopefully distance too as we want to find somewhere nearer uni and town. I’m glad I’ve found housemates for next year because I was worrying about being on my own and having to make new friends all over again. One of my current flat mates (not the one I argue about heating with) decided she didn’t want to live with us next year and wanted to be with her other friends. We hardly see her this year and we’re drifting apart from her. We realise we have little in common and she’s always out and with other friends.

Uni’s a lot harder than I thought it’d be. I feel more alone here and very isolated from everything. I wish I’d made more of an effort making friends in my first year and putting myself out there. But I find I miss home and my family a lot, especially this year. I guess its life experience. But I am focussing on my work and have my laptop to watch TV and films and books to keep me busy. I’ve always found social events quite uncomfortable so tend to avoid them with a bargepole. But so far I’ve been a lot lonelier this year than last. I got on with my flat mates better last year and we were always going out or doing something together at least once a week. It just hadn’t worked out as well as I’d hoped this year.