Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I have met someone. I know! Even I can’t believe it especially since the Valentine's Day pact that I made with my best friend just a few months ago. I met him 2 nights before I went back home after the end of second semester at university. I was on a night out in town, celebrating the end of exams and so was he. I met him in one of my favourite clubs in town. I was dancing near him and turned round and saw him and thought he was really cute. I managed to catch his eye and we smiled at each other and then we danced with each other. He asked me my name and how old I was and I asked him the same. He then stepped me down from the podium we were dancing on to get some space and he told me I looked really pretty. I found him really cute. He was shy and there was something about him that made me smile. He wasn’t seedy or slimy but really sweet and nice. He had a cute smile that made me smile. We danced some more and then he kissed me. I then had to go because my friends wanted to go home and he asked me for my number. I gave it to him. That was the first time I had given a guy my number in a club. I didn’t think he’d text back but to my surprise he texted later that same night. We texted each other until we fell asleep and texted again all of the next day. It was nice. My heart would beat faster every time I got a text from him. I was out shopping with my friends and would check my phone every moment I got. I haven’t told him this, but that still happens every time I get a text from him. I smile and blush and have the same bubbling excitement every time. That’s the effect he has on me 5 weeks later.

We arranged to meet the next evening at dusk and had a romantic walk by the river and he came back to mine. Nothing happened!!! Before you get any ideas haha. We talked and kissed and we sat on my bed in my room. He looked at all the photos and posters and bits and bobs I had round my room with a cute curiosity that made me smile. I was going home the next day and was up all night with my best friend packing but the whole time I was thinking about him. He was so nice and so HOT!!! He was also shy in a way that I find so endearing. I wanted to see him again and I met him that morning before I was set to home. We watched a film together cuddled up on my bed and then fumbled around a bit on my bed. Hehe. That’s all the details you’re getting!!! I like to keep the rest to myself and just between us.
5 weeks later, I am 400 miles in my home town. We text and call and speak to each other every day. It’s hard but I am counting the days till I go back to uni and see him. He is amazing! Every day he makes me smile. I go to bed thinking about him and wake up thinking about him and I smile. That’s the effect he has on me. He is so special and has such a good heart. Every day when I am skyping him I get to hear his sexy voice that still gets me every time and every day I learn something new about him that I didn’t know before and I love that. I love the effect he has on me.  

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