Burlesque - The 2010 dance musical set in LA follows the story of a young girl played by pop singer Christina Aguilera, who leaves her home town and dead end job at a diner to pursue her dreams of being on the stage. She enters a burlesque bar and gets enticed into the glamour and sensuality of the burlesque world and works as a waitress, trying to get the attention of the club owner played by Cher.
To be honest I had low expectations of this film but was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. With a mix of catchy songs, colourful sexy costumes, sparkly routines and a simple classic storyline there was very little that could go wrong. While the film doesn't push boundaries and is unlikely to win any Oscars any time soon it is a pleasantly enjoyable easy watching film that is great for a chilled out afternoon with a mug of hot chocolate.
Christina Aguilera makes her acting and producing debut and what a way to introduce herrself to the film industry. It seems as if this role was written for her. Note perfect in all the numbers, she was every inch the hollywood star. Busting out her best moves, she was comfortable and well suited for this role and was great to watch! But unfortunately for me co-star Cher lacked the singing capabilities to give a role such as this justice. While her acting was adequate her singing left a lot to be desired. Well known for her 90s auto tuned hit believe she was flat and quite disappointing in her solo numbers. Burlesque also has a great supporting cast in Stanley Tucci, who never ceases to amaze, as well as up and coming star Kristen Bell known for her role in the comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall who plays Christina's foe turned friend.
For all the female movie goers who are looking for male eye candy, this comes in supporting male actress Cam Gigandet who spends much of this film making sexy poses and looking 'hot.' While I am not about to complain about this, his character could have been given more depth and direction other than just staring at Christina like a love struck teenager.
If you are looking for a fun, slightly camp easy watching film than this is great! I give this 3.5/5! Enjoy!
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