Monday, January 02, 2012

New Year's Day

What does this day mean for you? For me it is a time spent with my family saying good bye to the past year and welcoming a new one. A day full of hopes and promises for the coming year. It’s the time to put behind the mistakes and regrets of the past and to look into the future and a new beginning. I usually make a resolution and this year it is to pass first year at university and to be happy. I know the latter is rather broad but sometimes that is a good thing. Right? I aim to make the most of the opportunities that may present itself to me over the course of the year and to try new things. To put myself out there and see what happens. I will try to not be afraid all the time. I am not one of those seize the day people. I wish I were but instead I am one of those that like to stay within my comfort zone and hope for things to happen but never actually take the step to make it happen.

I always spend New Year’s Eve/New Year’s day with my family. We stay up late and watch the countdown on BBC 1 and see the fireworks. I never quite understand why we watch the fireworks on television. It is never the same as being there but nonetheless it is something we do every year. Like a tradition. We then wish each other happy new year and hug and kiss each other and pray to God that the year will be a prosperous one. Then we speak on the telephone with our family abroad.

This year we went to the temple. My parents aren’t too keen on visiting the temple on New Year’s Day because of the crowds but despite the dreadful windy wet day we trudged along anyway. If you get there nice and early they give you a nice meal, but by the time we got there the food had all run out. That’s a shame! I always look forward to the food. But it’s nice to be at the temple on New Year’s Day. The atmosphere is great. People from all over the country come to my temple hoping that this year will bring them luck and prosperity.

I spent the evening watching Adele – Live at the Royal Albert Hall on BBC 1 on the television. She is bloody fantastic! Isn’t she? What a talent. Watching her is like watching a gift from God. She sings with such emotion and conviction which always brings a tear to my eye. She performed songs from her debut album 19 as well as the multi-million follow up 21. 21 has been a dear companion of mine through much troubled times in the past year. This past year has been like a roller-coaster with many great ups and downs and often I turned to music to help me through the tougher times. When I am upset or lonely 21 gives me the much needed comfort and uplift that I need. Adele writes some of the most beautiful lyrics that can really capture the heart. She is also one of the artists that both me and my mother can enjoy together. Me and mother don’t have the same taste in music but Adele is the exception. Although poles apart and each with our own set of dreams and heart breaks, each of us can take something different away from an Adele song. It was a great end to a great day.

Often I have a song that best captures the emotion that I am feeling at any given time. Sometimes I feel that my life is like a movie with a soundtrack for each experience. I would like to share with you my song that best captures how I feel today.

Paradise by Coldplay.

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