Saturday, January 07, 2012

Hopes and Dreams

It is the longest that I have been at home since I went to university. It's been good. I have done a lot of revision as planned but am feeling quite low at the moment. I haven't spent the time out drinking or partying like most people my age would have done. But Instead I have been watching films, reading and endulging in some retail therapy. But it's the last day of the holidays and tomorrow I will be heading back to uni. Since going to uni I have learnt to appreciate my family and the time that I spend with them. The longest I went without seeing them was six weeks and I was so homesick.

When I got into uni I was happy about going to uni away from home because I thought it would be a good experience and that it would be a fresh start for me. I would start a new life and put the past in the past and start again. But unfortunately it hasn't gone nearly as well as I had hoped. I have met some really great people but I had dreamed of a world full of fun and opportunity and it hasn't been like that for me. My life up till then had been plagued with missed opportunities, boredom, heartbreak and lost hope. Uni has given me fresh hope in achieving my dream but the social side of it hasn't quite lived up to my expectations. I guess we can't have everything. Right? Instead of moping and partly to distract me I got really stuck into my uni work. In some ways the fact that there is so much to do is good. It keeps me busy and focussed.

Right now I have one goal. That is to graduate and pursue my dream career. Sometimes I get lost along the way and distracted and try too hard to fit in and be like everyone else. But I am smart that is my 'thing' I have a dream and that is my focus right now. We all need a focus in life. We all need to have a dream and have something to work towards because without dreams and hope what would we have?

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