Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How do we get noticed?

Boyfriends. Some people have them some people don't. What gets a girl noticed by the opposite sex? At university I have noticed that it's the girls that parade around like peacocks wearing tight minimal clothing and bag loads of make up are the ones that get the most attention. Obviously. you may say. But in the world we live in where technology has aided the ease and flexibility of communication why is it that so many people go unnoticed? Why do so many people find it difficult to find a partner? You can see the increasing numbers of dating websites which are becoming increasingly popular with younger people. Surely when you are 'young' you are at your prime and most likely to find a life partner than when you are older. So why are younger people using dating websites?

I am 20. I have had male attention but never the right kind of person that I want to be in a relationship with. I am not fussy or anything. Just a nice laid back down to earth guy. No one has yet to notice me in that way for my personality or who I am. Sometimes I fear that I may spend my life alone going unnoticed with no one to share my life and experiences with. In the film shall we dance, Susan Sarandon's character says that we get married and have relationships so that there is someone that is a witness to our lives. Someone who takes an interest in you to share your life with so that you do not go through your life jounery unnoticed. I guess in a population with over 7 billion people, it can be easy to get lost in the hussle and bustle of life. Some times when you see someone on their own - there is an elderly woman who lives alone across the street from me and it makes you think - is there a witness to her life? Does she have anyone to look out for her, to protect her or is she alone? That's what we really want isn't it? Someone that cares for us and looks out for us, to share thing with. Someone that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside and the thought of whom makes us smile and makes our hearts beat faster. Can we really get all that from someone based purely on their aesthetics. Surely not? Hence why I do not understand the obsession with looks.

Today facebook, twitter and texting have replaced face to face conversayion and people feel much more comfortable 'messaging' their friends as opposed to speaking to them. I don't have facebook. I am not one of those social networking haters or anything like that but I just don't feel comfortable with my social life displayed for everyone to scrutinise. I don't want my life to be a page on a website. Surely our life means more to us? I have a small group of friends that I love to bits and I like to spend time with them face to face. If that makes me strange or a social freak so be it!

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