Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Who we are

I have always wondered what the obsession with looks is. It is so important to some people who let it define who they are. I’m not saying that looks aren’t important at all because that would be a lie but I try not to let it define me. I would say that I am average looking at best and have often felt insecure about the way I look. But regardless, I feel that there are so many other things that we could be focussing our efforts on. Like what is inside us and simply make the most of what we have.

I guess like everyone I have features that I am happy about as well as some that I would like to change. But the features that we have are ours. They are what we were born with and I have become used to looking this way. If that suddenly changed my life will not be the same. I may not be the same person that I was before. To be honest there have been times when I wished that I was more attractive and that I had much more confidence but these feelings come and go when I am feeling at my most low.
Unfortunately the way we look is the first thing that people notice about us and sadly it affects the way people react towards you. The way people react towards you affects you as a person as well as your perceptions of yourself and others. I may be a totally different person if I looked different. So I just accept the way that I look and get on with my life. It's something that I can't really change so why get too obsessed about it. Whereas the person you are on the inside is something that you can change. So why can't we all focus on that? It’s in essence who we are. It is what we use to form life-long friendships and sustain relationships with others so why can’t we all focus on our personalities? This is what will always be there like a good wine which will mature and strengthen with time. Looks on the other hand fade. I know that when you are at school or college or even university that seems to be the most important thing. You hope that by dressing in a certain way the guy that you like will notice you. But surely that is not how you want him to notice you but instead based on who you are as a person?  

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